SEO Rank Hunter: Legit or Scam? SEO Expert Finds Out (Updated)

Welcome to the vibrant world of SEO, where vying for top spots on search engine results is turning to a Hunger Game. With over a decade of experience under my belt, I’ve turned the tide for countless businesses, steering them from the shadows into the limelight of Google’s first page in record time.

Today, we’re diving into an intriguing tool that’s been stirring up the SEO community: SEO Rank Hunter.

Is this the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for, or just another entry in the long list of internet follies? Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to the heart of the matter.

What is SEO Rank Hunter?

According to their site, SEO Rank Hunter is a tool designed to boost your website’s search engine rankings. It searches for your pre-defined keywords, clicks on your website from the search results, and randomly explores multiple pages. This activity is meant to mimic user engagement, signaling to search engines like Google that your site is relevant and should rank higher.

In an era dominated by AI content generators, SEO Rank Hunter claims that search engines are pivoting towards user activity signals rather than just content quality. It sounds promising, but there’s a catch.

The Questionable Promises

SEO Rank Hunter offers packages up to 9,999 euros for 40,000 keywords with a promise of 5 minutes spent on your website per visit. As an expert, this raises a red flag.

Browsing through 40,000 keywords in 5 minutes is not just impractical; it’s virtually impossible for a genuine user. This approach screams of a bot-like behavior, something search engines are increasingly adept at detecting and penalizing.

Moreover, the scale of the offer seems to betray a fundamental misunderstanding of SEO. Promising the moon often leads to a crash landing.

Just like Gwarm did.

Does the Process Actually Work?

The idea behind SEO Rank Hunter is not entirely without merit. Click-through rates (CTR) and time spent or so called dwell time signals Google Search Engine.

However, web crawlers have been around since the early days of the internet. If Google couldn’t spot such blatant black hat SEO tactics, the digital landscape would be overrun with low-quality, spammy websites at the top of SERPs.

Thankfully, that’s not the case.

Thank God Relief GIF by Foo Fighters

Using SEO Rank Hunter is more likely to harm your website’s ranking than help it. It could lead to being penalized or even delisted by Google, erasing all your hard-earned SEO progress.

Fear Not: There’s a Smarter Way 💡

Now, I usually keep my trade secrets close to my chest. But seeing how many fall prey to these false promises, I couldn’t stop myself from sharing the secret sauce that I’ve used for myself & my clients to beat the Goliaths of their space in their own game.

#SEO Hack 1: Stop Doing SEO Until…

Protect your domain as if your business depends on it cause it does!

Cause if you don’t, according to our beloved chatGPT:

Ohh but, I’ve the most sacred domain reputation cause I don’t do much email marketing from it….

Well, have a look at this Google 2024 update:

In other words, if 3 out of a 1000, mark you as spam. My friend, your business is as a dead one.

Even worse, if competitor wants to annihilate you, all they got to do now is sign up with 3 accounts to then mark you as spam so you traffic goes to:

Put simply, in 2024, if you’re not warming up your domain, you’re going to a battle without a helmet. Sure! You’ll shoot until you’re shot dead 💀

Solution? Use automated email warm-up to warm up your domain as well.

How does it work? Well, the moment it realizes, you’re getting close to the 0.3%, it immediately adds flow of email contacts so that you end up never surpassing the threshold aka being shot dead! As easy as that. Works? 100%.

Boosting Dwell Time Using AI

But what about user engagement and retention? How do you climb from position 9 to 1, for instance? The answer lies in transforming your content into a more engaging format. Using’s blog-to-video conversion tool, you can turn your blogs into captivating videos. Place these videos at the top of your blog posts. This strategy captures your readers’ attention, increasing the time they spend on your page – a crucial signal to Google for higher ranking.

This strategy not only captures your readers’ attention, increasing the time they spend on your page – a crucial signal to Google for higher ranking – but also aligns with Google’s preference for multimedia-rich content. Incorporating various media types, such as videos, images, and text, enhances user experience and is considered a positive ranking factor by Google. This approach is backed by numerous SEO studies and guidelines, emphasizing the value of multimedia in content.

Conclusion: Please Don’t Break Rules. Leverage them instead.

So, is SEO Rank Hunter the answer to your ranking woes? I’d argue not. True SEO success lies in understanding and respecting the rules of the game. It’s about building genuine authority and engaging your audience authentically.

As well as, warming up your email to protect yourself not only from salesforce emails going to spam or your email provider but also protect your seo.

Tools like seo automation software provide a smarter, more efficient way to achieve these goals. Remember, in the world of SEO, there are no shortcuts, just smart paths.

One More thing

If you’re looking to annihilate your competitors without breaking the bank via SEO, reach out to me on Linkedin before I max out on clients I can take.

If you’re looking to stay updated with the latest SEO & Marketing Hacks to Unleash Profitable Growth for your business, consider subscribing to new YouTube channel I’ve launched @ProfitableGrowth to make the information open source.

Until Next Time. Living in vancouver? Check out seo tips vancouver.


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